Monday, April 5, 2010


Image via foto.phrend

Over the weekend, the beloved DIY venue and cultural center known as
Market Hotel got busted not once, but twice by NYPD. While this is a major bummer and puts our pals at Mr Saturday Night and other great weekly booking spots in a bit of a bind, all is not lost

Hopes remain to transition Market Hotel into a licensed, non-profit community space. It's going to take alot of effort from Market management, the larger DIY community, and fans of affordable and all ages live music to make that happen. If there's any way you can contribute to the efforts to bring market up to code, help with legal issues, or do anything else that can speed the process, please contact Also, please go ahead and unfriend all the undercover cops on your Facebook friends list. That'd probably be a good idea anyway

Let's hope this doesn't represent a deliberate effort to crack down on DIY spaces in Brooklyn. These spaces are vital to the economic and cultural health of the neighborhoods and communities that many, including myself, are proud the be a part of. Losing them would be a shame. Let's not let that happen.

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