Friday, July 10, 2009


I can vouch for Auto Erotique live. This is, how you say, a big deal. No word on what the RSVP will actually do for you, but DO show up early, because this bar is on the small side. That can translate to "intimate" shows and/or mild heat stroke cases, depending on how you play it.

No idea, but Richard Henry will surely be spinning gold.

And then there's this across the street. I bet you thought that was all that's making me sad to be working late tonight, but lo, there is so much more.

From 5-10 there's a clothing, record, and anything you want to bring swap at 2405 A East 9th St. Also featuring a free mojito table from 8-10, art things to do, and the sounds of DJ Hot Britches, Hershey Wilson, Courtesy, Cowabunga Babez, and Wild America!

Rancho Relaxo's final farewell happening features music by Spiked Punch, Literature, WYLDPRTY, Cooper Jefferies aka Noggin, You and Me, and Metal Bunnies (pictured, via TUMMYTOAST). We will miss the Ranch! It supposedly wraps up around midnight. There's also a performance art event at the Blue Cube (505 E 50TH ST) that features the art of Jesus Benavente, Scott Eastwood, Jill Pangallo, Chris Reed, and James Willard Pierce. That is from 9-2 and has the standard art event consumables that make up 90% of a proper Summer diet.

If you are unacquainted with the idiosyncratic, often bedazzled, and eclectic majesty that is Everything In Heaven Is TV, now is your chance to hold it close to the bosom of your brain and let it become your friend. This event also doubles as a Zom Zoms reunion show, making it a perfect chance to impress your friends by casually dropping the term Zolo-esque. Other live musics provided by the ever lovely and inventive No Mas Bodas, the amazing DIANE, and the smooth sounds of SURVIVE. DJ MVSCLZ and DJ Booty Gator, whose old weekly set at Submerged you may remember, will be spinning between sets and afterwards. Secret guests and surprises abound. Oh whatever could they be? The $8 cover charge gets you all that AND a copy of the show's first season. I sound like I'm overly excited because I am.

Happy Birthday to Clara! + after party, hooray!

now glue it good

This reminds me I need to buy new socks.


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