DEFT is throwing a wine and cheese (two favorite things) reception for an installation featuring artwork by Taylor Browning, Jorge Muñoz, Ricky Jaen, David Mireles, Kaci Beeler, and Alicia Price. That's all happening at Salvage Vanguard, home of some of the best air conditioning in Austin, from 6-8. Lots of nudity and food. How can you lose?
Don't let the cover scare you, kids. KLEVER is totally worth it. I'm not saying I'd sell a kidney to go, but that's just because I have a sentimental attachment to them. Seriously though, check it out
The Thermals are playing at Mohawk, too. I'm probably not up for that much righteous angst right now
Don't let the cover scare you, kids. KLEVER is totally worth it. I'm not saying I'd sell a kidney to go, but that's just because I have a sentimental attachment to them. Seriously though, check it out
The Thermals are playing at Mohawk, too. I'm probably not up for that much righteous angst right now
DIOROMAS! Get cracking! "The O.P.E.R.A House collective invites you to participate in a special collaborative art installation. We are creating an indoor ZOO environment made specially to exhibit teeny-tiny dioramas. Please collaborate with us by helping to fill each area of the zoo with your creations. Just make a teeny-tiny diorama to bring to Co-lab, deadline Saturday May 23rd at 7pm. Actual size and subject matter of your artwork is entirely open to interpretation. Entry fee is a $3 suggested donation. All entries will be eligible to win a prize!"
Awwwww dang! How are you going to say no to that? You're not. You're going to go and dance and have fun and get yer picture taken and be all like "hey yeah woohoo" 'n such. Anyway, Kid Indie is an amazing DJ and you should take advantage of the fact he's come back to Austin. Go out and show him some appreciation. And if you know anything bout anything, you know Doneski never disappoints either
More as things develop, true believers. If anything, this is a great weekend to hang out with your graduating friends and whoever else you need to catch up with. Hooray and congrats to you all!
Awwwww dang! How are you going to say no to that? You're not. You're going to go and dance and have fun and get yer picture taken and be all like "hey yeah woohoo" 'n such. Anyway, Kid Indie is an amazing DJ and you should take advantage of the fact he's come back to Austin. Go out and show him some appreciation. And if you know anything bout anything, you know Doneski never disappoints either
More as things develop, true believers. If anything, this is a great weekend to hang out with your graduating friends and whoever else you need to catch up with. Hooray and congrats to you all!
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